7 Kommentare

  1. Alex Echeverria 10.06.2014 at 05:05 |

    Can I use this gimbal with Phantom? I want to control Tilt (PIT for walkera) using the control that is in the back of FJI Phatom con­trol­ler. Hope you can tell me if it is pos­si­ble as I cannot find manual for this gimbal.

  2. ron kennedy 13.10.2014 at 02:58 |

    i would like to know how to set up if pos­si­ble the g‑2 gimble on my x350 pro using my devo 10 to be able to switch from video to picture and then back to video is this pos­si­ble ‚if so how? i found no inst­ruc­tions any where

  3. pierre 16.05.2015 at 13:30 |

    Seemed that my gimbal worked almost fine, I have unfor­tu­n­a­te­ly tried to go through PAM and screw up the all thing !!remain jerky and can’t get to make it work fine again…
    Is it pos­si­ble to reset to factory set­tings, even in opening controller ?
    Yhanks for your help

  4. Jos 26.04.2016 at 19:45 |

    Hi ever­yo­ne

    I acci­dent­al­ly change the pola­ri­ty of my supply. Is my gimbal broken now or is there a fuse that I can change?

  5. Roberto ALBIERO 21.04.2017 at 23:42 |

    Durante la sosti­tu­zio­ne del­l’­in­te­gra­to MP1584EN, ho perso una resis­ten­za che si trova sopra al MP1584EN (foto­gra­fia 0033730.jpg.
    Chi sa darmi il valore Ohm di questa resistenza?

  6. Peter Maier 16.05.2017 at 21:23 |

    Hallo, ich benö­ti­ge eine Ver­län­ge­rung für die Motoren Anschlüs­se und das Gyro. Kann mir jmd sagen wie die Anschlüs­se heißen bzw wo ich Ver­län­ge­run­gen her­be­kom­me? Vielen Dank!



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