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  1. Christian 28.10.2014 at 11:23 |

    diy­dro­ne: Walkera Scout X4 vs Tali H500 in Action!


    Ver­öf­fent­licht am 27.10.2014

    ” If you are still unde­ci­ded on a Walkera Scout x4 or a Tali H500, here are some flight cha­rac­te­ris­tics of the 2 copters recor­ded recent­ly. It was also announ­ced today, that there will be a new H500 for the Sony RX100 gimbal (new motors is what will be changed, however flight dura­ti­on will be 10 minutes when flown with a RX100).

    The x4 seem louder com­pa­red to the H500, uses the same ori­gi­nal props as H500, both hold alti­tu­de really well, but the H500 being bigger, appears more solid; however being a hex, more parts to main­tain. The h500 carbon looks sleek in the sky and more pro­fes­sio­nal if you are on a job. Design impro­ve­ments: the GPS count blue light indi­ca­tor has been relo­ca­ted to the rear of the scout x4, whereas it is below on the h500, not visible while waiting to take-off on a bright day, unless you lift up the rear legs. Both uses the same LiPo, just inter­chan­ge the LiPo case. both models capable of car­ry­ing the gopro and future new gimbals / new cameras planned for. On Oct 25, 2014 we were told the Tali H500 is capable of car­ry­ing the Sony RX100 using the G‑3S gimbal with dif­fe­rent high per­for­mance motors, however the flight dura­ti­on will be reduced to just over 10 minutes with this camera. It will be show­ca­se at the New York photo expo.”



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