2 Kommentare

  1. Bo 26.05.2014 at 22:04 |

    Great post, love the idea of shoo­ting the 4k and then use stills from it.

    Been testing the 350, totally agree, the auto-land and low voltage system is a bit scary. timer is the right way to fly this. Looking forward to your con­clu­si­ons on turning off the low-voltage settings.


    1. gektor 26.05.2014 at 23:24 |

      Hi Bo,

      turinig off the LVC on the PRO is much easier than it was on the X350. We will use APM Soft­ware (http://walkera-fans.de/x350-pro-und-ardupilot-konfigurieren-mit-apm-mission-planner/) and report back.



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